I recently asked my Facebook readers if they had ever come across an eco-friendly dusting spray. I was thinking of something to replace the ubiquitous can of Endust or other such conventional sprays that so many people grab automatically. I don’t think anyone makes an actual aerosol spray (not that I think anyone should – I was just curious) but there are certainly some greener, safer products available to use for dusting. Earth Friendly Products makes a Furniture Polish which I recommend and Vermont Soap Organics makes a product called Liquid Sunshine that reader Meg swears by for dusting.
Reader Laura had a great suggestion for a homemade furniture polish made with 2 ingredients: olive oil and lemon. I whipped up a batch right away this morning and I think it’s fabulous!
Lemon Olive Oil Furniture Polish
1/4 cup olive oil
2 T lemon juice
Combine ingredients together in a spray or pump bottle. Be sure to shake before using as the oil separates from the lemon juice. Squirt polish onto a dusting cloth (I use
old cloth diapers!) and notice how your wood shines!
I recommend using this up within a week or so because fresh ingredients could go rancid. I’m keeping mine in the refrigerator so it will last longer. As Laura joked – if you don’t use it all up, use it as salad dressing!
What do you use for dusting around the home?
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I recently tried to make my own furniture polish, and found that using more lemon juice to less olive oil worked better for me. I found it really oily the other way, but I guess it depends on your preference! 🙂
Hi Katie – Thanks so much for sharing your furniture polish recipe. I love that these DIY recipes are so easy to adjust and adapt to our own preferences!
As Laura joked – if you don’t use it all up, use it as salad dressing!
Sometimes I use vinegar instead of lemon juice and it works just as well. Costs less but doesn’t smell as good as the lemon juice.
Thanks for the tip about using vinegar as a substitute for lemon juice Kendra!
Just a quick note to let you know that I liked what I read. Cheers!
I use Olive Oil and vinegar to clean and it does a “fantastic”
job. Cleans beautifully, it also covers small scratches.
Thanks for the tip Donn!
You can also use white vinegar…
My blend is olive oil, vinegar and essential oils of my liking and purpose at the time. Been using this for years.
Good to know!