Welcome to the Mindful Momma community!


Congrats on making a commitment to learn a thing or two about healthy, natural living! Don’t worry about feeling overwhelmed, or being afraid you’ll make a bad choice. We’re not perfect around here. Far from it! Some of us (yep, that’s me!) still rely on plastic wrap a bit and even drink the occasional soda. We’ve all got different needs, demands and challenges in our lives, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be healthy.

I truly believe that anyone can create a flexible, natural lifestyle without a ton of stress!

Micaela Preston circleAs part of the Mindful Momma community, you’ll learn strategies and creative solutions for natural living that will work for you and your family. My #1 goal is to be extremely helpful by providing well-researched information and by helping you prioritize and make the changes that work for you!

Expect an email from me 3 to 4 times a month including my latest blog posts, links to interesting news and helpful information, as well as special deals on healthy, non-toxic products I think you will love.

As promised, the email with a link and password to access my FREE Natural Living Resource Library is magically flying into your InBox right about now.


Meanwhile start exploring the many resources available on the Mindful Momma website – for a Healthy Food, Natural Beauty, Non-Toxic Living and Safe Products. Click the Get Started button below to link to some of my most popular posts and topics.

Get Started

While you’re at it, come visit me at some of the other places I hang out:

  • Instagram – See what’s really going on my life and find out what new products I’ve been using.
  • Pinterest – Get ideas and inspiration on everything from healthy recipes to homemade beauty products to ideas for healthy, non-toxic living.
  • Facebook – For conversations about healthy living and links to lots of useful information.
  • Twitter – Links to articles and posts I think you’ll like.

And feel free to send me a note anytime: [email protected] I’d love to hear from you!

Green & healthy wishes!

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